San Antonio Lot Cleaning Service

Whether cleaning up personal acreage or preparing for land development, we can help you.  We have over fifteen years of experience in lot clearing. We have all the necessary equipment to clear a small lot or a large piece of land.

Whether it’s live oaks, cedar elm, red oak, pecan, or any other medium to large trees, our crews handle it all. We can also clean up fence lines overrun with grass, weeds, brush, and small trees.

We can clear a path or prepare an entire lot for construction. We can remove trees, bushes, brush, and stump removal.

There are many safety precautions and guidelines that professional lot clearing services adhere to. Although the work and scope of the clearing may sound simple, lot clearing is an extensive process. We have all the necessary equipment and infrastructure for a cost-effective, efficient process.

Call us today to receive a free quote (210) 255-7583.